'Victims' Day' on Capitol Hill

Washington Post
Sunday, February 6, 2005

You won't find it in the tourism brochures, but Tuesday is "Victims' Day" on Capitol Hill. The Center for Justice & Democracy, a group seeking to derail President Bush's call for limits on medical malpractice lawsuits, is bringing to town about 50 victims and their relatives, including the daughter of a woman who was poisoned by an overdose of chemotherapy, the mother of a child who suffered brain damage during birth, and the mother of a man who died from brain surgery. The center, which enjoys the support of trial lawyers but maintains that it is not tied to trial lawyer groups, has also requested a meeting with Bush to counter all of those presidential sessions with doctors being driven out of business by malpractice insurance costs.
But that's not likely: Bush, who likes to say that "nobody has been healed by a frivolous lawsuit," renewed his call for malpractice restrictions in Thursday's State of the Union address.
For a copy of the complete article, contact CJ&D

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